How to Deodorize Your Gym Bag

girl with gym bag - how to deodorize gym bag

If you hit the gym regularly, you know that your gym bag is an essential companion. But it’s no secret that gym bags can develop unpleasant odors over time, and that’s putting it politely. Honestly, sometimes they just downright stank, especially if you’re prone to sweating a lot during workouts. Maybe you’ve tried unsuccessfully to de-stink your bag. Maybe you’ve found some good short-term solutions but want something more efficient and long-lasting. Maybe you’ve opened your window and shouted, “My gym bag is stinky as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Okay, you probably just googled “deodorize gym bag” and found this article. We’ve compiled a list of products and “hacks” that will be sure to get your gym bag smelling fresh.


It’s About More Than Just Odor

First, we do want to make it clear that deodorizing your gym bag isn’t just about getting rid of that stank. The bag smells like Oscar the Grouch’s trash can because of bacteria, so while getting rid of odor is great, it’s most important to clean away this bacteria and keep your bag healthy, so to speak. Worst case scenario is that your bag starts growing mold. Yes, disgusting. So nip that problem right in the bud.


Sprays to Deodorize Your Stinkin’ Gym Bag



funkaway spray

FunkAway is a popular choice for gym-goers. It has a solid reputation, and the only funk it removes is the kind in your gym bag. You can still be funky even with this spray. It’s easy to use. I mean, it’s a spray. So, you know, just spray it inside your bag, on your gym clothes, or into your sneakers. Most users report good results, making FunkAway a reliable product to add to your gym repertoire.


Melaleuca Hit Refresh

hit refresh spray

For those who prefer a more natural gym bag odor eliminator, Hit Refresh from Melaleuca is a unique product. It’s basically an essential oil blend with a subtle fragrance—maybe not as strong or long-lasting as other sprays, but it has no artificial smells. Just spray into your bag, on your workout clothes, in your sneakers, and heck, maybe in your bathroom. One of our writers noticed someone using it at the gym and was curious about how to get it. Apparently you need to be a Melaleuca member to purchase any of their stuff, which requires a referral from an existing member. We might look into that in the future. Memberships aren’t always bad—just look at Costco.


Extreme Odor Eliminator

odor eliminator

If you’re looking for a no-fuss, high-performance deodorizer, Extreme Odor Eliminator is another good option to consider. It works just as well as FunkAway and is marketed as an all-purpose deodorizer. So you can use it on other pungent things in your life, not just your sweaty gym gear. It does look a bit like bug spray, but oh well.

These three sprays are all pretty good in their own ways. Which one you choose just comes down to personal preference over the scent and the price.


Deodorizing Sticks, Balls, and Bags



gear halo

Gearhalo products are a fantastic option for those who want a durable and long-lasting solution. These deodorizing inserts are a bit heavier than most other deodorizing bags or balls, and they’re super effective at locking in moisture and neutralizing your dank gym bag. They’re perfect for gym bags and for other gear like helmets and shoes. If you’re serious about keeping your gym bag fresh, Gearhalo is a solid investment. And when the bags have run their course, you can play cornhole with them.


Glovestix (for shoes)

Glovestix Stank Stix are designed primarily for shoes, and maybe even for self-defense (they do look like num-chuks). But they can also be used in gym bags. However, results are mixed. Some people find them effective, and others don’t really notice much of a difference. One cool thing is that the tubes can be opened and refilled with new deodorizers. And the tubes can be separated when you get bored of the num-chuk look. They do look pretty cool, but what does that matter if they may or may not work? If you’re on the fence, you might want to consider other options. But you never know.


Arm & Hammer Odor Busterz

orange odor balls

Arm & Hammer Odor Busterz (and the brand’s many other deodorizers) are a tried-and-true solution for deodorizing just about anything, from gym bags to nurseries to your kitty-cat’s litter box. They’re not marketed specifically for fitness enthusiasts and our moldy gym bags, but they will keep your gym bag fresh in any case. Just toss them into your bag, and they’ll absorb odors over time. If you’re not looking to get the latest “cool” thing and don’t mind hearkening back to the good ol’ days when baking soda was the panacea for every domestic conundrum, Arm & Hammer won’t disappoint.


Boot Bananas

boot bananas

Boot Bananas might sound quirky, and that’s because they are. But they’re also surprisingly effective. Move over, Pine-Sol. This is the power of bananas, baby! Now, this is another product designed specifically for shoes, but these fruity-fresh deodorizers can work well in gym bags too. And honestly, they were just so funny that we couldn’t just leave them off the list. As they absorb odors and moisture, they “ripen” and turn brown, giving you a pretty disgusting but also advantageous visual reminder to think about replacing them.


DIY Hacks to Deodorize Your Gym Bag

Now, maybe you also want to use some tricks along with your product, or maybe you just want to get straight to the tricks and forget the fancy deodorizers. Here are some simple and easy ideas to get your gym bag a little fresher without turning it into a Bath & Body Works.


Plastic Grocery Bags

Try keeping your stinky gym clothes in a plastic grocery bag (preferably one without holes). It’s so simple that you almost feel like it can’t work. It’s not guaranteed to keep your gym bag completely odor-free, but it will definitely make a big difference by keeping the sweat off of your bag. Replace the plastic bags regularly so the bags themselves don’t stink up your gym bag. It’s a great way to use those plastic bags if you, like so many others, have a sizeable supply underneath your kitchen sink or in a closet somewhere. If you’re saving them for the apocalypse, we understand. But still, just think about it.


Use Two Pairs of Shoes

You don’t wear one set of workout clothes, right? One shirt? One pair of shorts? No, that would be insane. Well, it’s the same for shoes. Rotating between two or more pairs of shoes is another effective way to keep your gym bag fresh. Rotating shoes gives each pair time to air out completely between workouts, reducing the chance of building up odor-causing bacteria (there’s something salesy about the phrase “odor-causing bacteria”). On top of that, rotating between shoes will make your shoes last longer than just wearing one pair each workout.


Dryer Sheets

Yes, dryer sheets. These are an easy and affordable way to add a pleasant scent to your gym bag. And you can easily adjust the strength of the scent by cutting the sheet down to the right size. We recommend starting with a fourth of a sheet and going from there. Dryer sheets won’t eliminate smells completely, but they’re a quick DIY gym bag deodorizer if you’re in a hurry and need your gym bag to just smell better right away.


Just Wash It

If your gym bag isn’t machine washable, just use a spray cleaner and a rag to wipe it down. But if you use a typical duffel bag, then throw that thing in the washer (check the instructions first just in case). Sometimes this thought is so obvious that it seems to escape us. Sometimes we get the thought but then assume that we can’t wash the bag. Well, in most cases, you can.


Laundry Additives

funkaway for laundry

Sometimes regular detergent isn’t enough to get rid of stubborn odors. That’s where laundry additives come in. FunkAway sells a good laundry booster designed to remove tough smells from workout gear, including a gym bag. There are many others. Just about every laundry brand has boosters of different kinds.

Remember that person who used the Melaleuca essential oil spray? Well, we learned from that person that Melaleuca also sells an odor/stain remover called Sol-U-Mel, and some customers use it as a laundry additive (in small amounts because apparently it’s got a strong scent). We haven’t tested it ourselves, but that gym-goer swore by it.

melaleuca sol u mel

The point is that there are a lot of options. And if you look them up on Amazon, you’ll see good and bad reviews, so you kinda just have to get some and try them for yourself.


Air It Out!


Lastly, absolutely let the bag air out as often as you can, preferably right when you get home from the gym. Empty the bag, remove the sweaty wet clothes, and leave the gym bag open in a well-ventilated area or, better yet, in direct sunlight. Again, this isn’t going to guarantee an odorless bag, but it will do a great deal to prevent sweat from festering—yes, festering.


Keep It Fresh

Keeping your gym bag odor-free doesn’t have to be a challenge, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. With a couple good products and some clever tricks, you can easily deodorize your gym bag and better keep the bacteria at bay. In fact, your gym bag will be so fresh, Will Smith just might get jealous!